Wildtending: Permaculture in Zone 4

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Restore a regenerative reciprocal relationship with Zone 4 and California’s diverse ecology in this interactive talk on wildtending native plants for food, medicine, craft, and biodiversity. California’s uniquely biodiverse ecology has developed over thousands of years through humans interactively managing the landscape. We will discuss practical land management techniques that enhance ecological conditions and provide abundance for the human and non-human world.

California’s incredibly biodiverse native landscape has relied on human management for thousands of years, and this workshop will help empower participants to restore their place as a beneficial component of the ecosystem. Bringing together the worlds of wildcrafting and ecological restoration, wildtending for food, craft, medicine, in a way that enhances ecological indicators is a land management approach that embodies the principles of building community and resilience. An engaging lecture full of beautiful photos, practical examples, plant lists for designers, and management strategies will help inspire permaculturalists to engage and interact with the native ecology that surrounds us.

Friday Oct 6| 5pm| Zocalo

Presented By: Lindsay Dailey